Perineum is the region between the vaginal entrance and the anus. Perineoplasty is an aesthetical correction of the perineal region. It is usually performed simultaneously with vaginal tightening operations.
Why does perineum become irregular?
The most common reason is that poor healing of ‘episiotomy’ incisions which are made during delivery. Poorly healed birth scars can cause collapse or bulging (episiotomy scars). These tissue defects can be removed with perineoplasty operation and so, aesthetically better appearance is achieved.
Inflammation, the opening of episiotomy sutures after delivery, difficult and traumatic births, giving birth at home are the major causes of perineal tears and unpleasant appearance. On the other hand, poorly healed episiotomy incisions may sometimes cause pain problem during sexual intercourse. Dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse) problem can be corrected with perineoplasty.
Perineoplasty operation can be applied to women who have not given birth. By removing skin tags between vagina and anus, flat, smoother and more pleasant appearance can be gained.
In an aesthetically ideal perineum, there should not be birth scars and skin tags, perineum should be light-colored, smooth and stretched, and also perineal distance between anus-vagina should be as long as possible.
How much does perineoplasty operation cost?
Prices in perineoplasty operations vary depending on operation method, anesthesia type and the health center. Best results are only obtained with operations to be applied by experienced surgeons.