Genital aesthetic operations are done for both cosmetic and functional purposes. When applied with correct technique, genital aesthetic operations provide sexual, hygienic, psychological and medical benefits besides aesthetic ones.
What are the most common genital aesthetic operations?
The most common aesthetic operations about the genital area:
Labiaplasty (Genital labia aesthetics)
Surgical vaginal tightening (Vaginoplasty)
Perineoplasty (Correction of perineal area)
Clitoral hoodoplasty (Thinning of clitoris hump)
Mons pubis reduction (Monsplasty)
Labia majora augmentation (Filling collapsed labia majora with fat filler or hyaluronic acid injection)
Reduction of labia majora (Labia majoraplasty)
G point augmentation
Genital PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) applications
Vaginal tightening with the laser (LVR- Laser vaginal rejuvenation)
Genital bleaching treatments
Genital Radiofrequency (RF)
Now, we will explain these conditions in short:
Labiaplasty (Inner or small labia aesthetics)
Labiaplasty is the most commonly performed operation in aesthetic genital surgeries. It is known as ‘Labia minora reduction’, ‘Labiaminoraplasty’, ‘Genital labial aesthetics’, or ‘Labioplasty’.
Labiaplasty actually refers to the aesthetics of both inner labia and outer labia. However, It is known as inner (small) labia aesthetic surgery, because inner labia aesthetic surgeries are more widely applied.
Labioplasty is the aesthetic operation of inner labia (lips). Sagged, wrinkled, long, thick and dark-colored lips are incised and aesthetically corrected in inner lip Labiaplasty operations. In this way, beautiful and symmetric appearance is formed. As a matter of fact, when inner lips are larger than normal, which is called as ‘labial hypertrophy’, it may cause women to have psychological problems, have discomfort during sexual intercourse, feel embarrassment and lack of self-confidence and it also prevents to have healthy partner relation, to wear tight pants, leggings, swimsuits, bikinis and causes women to wet their legs while urinating or make the urination with difficulty.
Labial hypertrophy (inner lip enlargement and sagging) can structurally develop congenitally or after adolescence. It could be genetic. In addition, it can also develop due to frequent scratching, irritations caused by fungal infections, sexual intercourses and connective tissue weakness.
In Labiaplasty , it is aimed to reduce interior lips and form aesthetically and functionally better appearance.
Vagina is enlarged and stretched after aging, menopause, normal birth(s),frequent sexual intercourse, abortion and other gynecological interventions. Enlargement in vagina causes problems for women and men such as feeling numbness, having no pleasure from sexual intercourse and being unable to reach orgasm. Surgical tightening of the vagina and restoring it tight and narrow is called as ‘surgical vaginal tightening’, 'surgical vaginal rejuvenation' or ‘vaginoplasty procedure’.
Clitoral Hoodoplasty
The clitoris is the main body that provides sexual pleasure and orgasm in women. In some women, there may be saggings, wrinkles or tissue residues on the skin of clitoris besides enlargement of inner lips. Bulged, wrinkled or dark-colored skin folds around clitoris may adversely affect people and cause lack of confidence during sexual intercourse. Surgical correction of wrinkled and excess structures on the clitoris and making a more pleasant appearance is called as ‘clitoral hoodoplasty’.
Clitoral hoodoplasty is usually performed in conjunction with labiaplasty . Thus, a flat thin slit view which is called as ‘venus line’ can be achieved. In only labiaplasty operation without clitoral hoodoplasty, residue hump on clitoris area will be like ‘micropenis’ and visually disturbing.
The clitoral hoodoplasty operation performed with labiaplasty (internal lip reduction surgery) increases patient satisfaction considerably. However, the experience of the surgeon is important due to the anatomy of the region in clitoral hoodoplasty. In our clinic, we make hoodoplasty operation simultaneously with the labiaplasty operation for almost all patients.
Perineoplasty Procedure
The region between vaginal entrance and anus is called as ‘perineum’. The perineal area can be deformed due to incisions during delivery (episiotomy) or skin tags and saggings on this area. In some cases, there may be extra skin folds in this area.
Perineoplasty operations are performed both for correction of birth stitch marks and for removal of skin excesses in this region. It is usually performed simultaneously with vaginal tightening procedures. Perineoplasty is most commonly performed in women whose birth incisions (episio) are not well-healed, whose perine is enlarged due to infections after delivery or who have excessive perine tear after a tough delivery.
Reduction of labia majora, labia majoraplasty operation
Labia majora is named as ‘Outer or big genital lips’. If labia majora on the outer part of the genital area which is covered with hair is larger than normal or sagged, it makes some aesthetical problems. In this case, large and sagged labia majora is reduced with a surgical operation and corrected.
Reduction of labia majora is a kind of labiaplasty operation. This operation is also known as ‘Labia majoraplasty’. Labia majora is reduced with labia majoraplasty operation and made more stretched, flat and smooth.
Augmentation of labia majora, fat injection to labia majora
Collapses and wrinkles may occur on labia majora which is covered with hair, by aging or structurally. In this case, fat injection is made to labia majora and a fuller appearance is achieved. Labia majora filling is the procedure where fats taken from another part of the body with ‘liposuction’ method are injected into labia majora with special cannulas. In this way, labia majora which is smaller and wrinkled than normal is made to be fuller and pleasant.
Augmentation can also be provided in labia majora with HA (Hyaluronic acid) injections.
Genital PRP
This procedure is done by taking blood from the person’s own arm veins. Obtained blood is centrifuged and dense part of coagulation cells, named as ‘platelets’ (thrombocyte),is separated from plasma. Then, this part is injected into certain areas on the genital region. These platelet cells include many growth factors. In this way, collagen formation and tissue rejuvenation are provided by these cellular mediators.
Genital PRP can be applied to vagina or labia majora on the outer genital area, called as ‘vulva’. In this way, tissue repair and rejuvenation are provided. In addition, it is also applied in lichen sclerosus, chronic vulvar dermatitis, vulvar vestibulitis syndrome, painful sexual intercourse, vaginal tightening, incontinence and vaginal dryness treatments.
Pubis area is the part of labia majora which continues upward, it is covered with hair and the lower part is in shape of triangular which is composed of fat tissue. It is also known as ‘mons pubis’, 'pubic area', ‘pubis peak’, or ‘pubis hump’. Pubis aesthetics is also known as ‘mons pubis reduction’ or ‘venus aesthetics’.
Mons pubis can be larger or fluffy in some women. It may be disturbing especially when wearing the swimsuit, bikini or leggings.
By mons pubis reduction, excess tissue on pubic area is surgically reduced and thinned. Swelling or irregular bumps in this area can be corrected. Liposuction, laser lipolysis processes can also be applied for pubic area.
Genital aesthetics operations and treatments with laser
In recent years, laser applications have been commonly preferred for genital area aesthetics operation. Carbondioxide (CO2) lasers are the most commonly preferred methods in this field.
Genital aesthetics applications by Carbondioxide (CO2) lasers
Non-surgical vaginal tightening
Stress urinary incontinence treatment
Genital bleaching
Labiaplasty operation (For the incision)
Genital area lifting and filling
Forming rugae (mucosal folds) in the vagina
Genital wart treatments
Genital radiofrequency
Nowadays, we use radiofrequency devices for different purposes of vulvar and vaginal rejuvenation such as: - non-surgical tightening of the vaginal canal - treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI), - orgasm and sexual enhancement treatments, - augmentation of external genital area.
Genital aesthetic operations are the fastest rising trend among all aesthetic operations. It is applied to thousands of patients every year in Turkey and all over the world. These operations in the field of cosmetic gynecology should definitely be applied by gynecologists who are experienced in genital area anatomy and physiology.
In this section, you will find some of the hands-on aesthetic genital surgery (cosmetic gynecology) courses, trainings and meetings given by Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ.
Istanbul / TurkeyMenopause Meeting, Anadolu TJOD, Marmara University Faculty of Medicine Campus, 18 December 2024
Dubai / UAEGenital Aesthetics Presentations, I.R.A.C Dermatology Congress (International Regenerative and Aesthetic Show),28-29 November 2024
Istanbul / TurkeyAnti-aging Treatments Presentation, 11th National Urogynecology Congress, 8-10 November 2024
International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate
Dr. Süleyman Eserdag clinic has "international health tourism authorization certificate" by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey.
This institutition is entitied to operate in the field of International Health Tourism within the scope of the Regulation on International Health Tourism and Tourist`s Health, in accordance with the Requirements for International Health Tourism Health Facility and the general principles of the Regulation.
Copyright 2025 Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MD. All Rights Reserved. Legal Warning
Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MDCosmetic Gynecologist & Sexual Therapist Fellow of European Committee of Sexual Medicine (FECSM) Editor of the Book ‘Female Aesthetic and Functional Genital Surgery’
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